
The Core Workout

The Core Workout was written by Joanne Elphinston and sport scientist Paul Pook to provide a user friendly guide to using the Swiss Ball for training. Initially self-published ten years ago, its first copies were bought by the Welsh Rugby Union, and then unexpectedly by physiotherapists and chiropractors for their patients. It was selected for translation for the Swedish sports community in preference to other major books on the topic by the Swedish Sports publisher SISU in 2003. Now fully updated in its 2009 Fourth Edition by Lotus Publishing, the Core Workout is still going strong due to its systematic and graded approach.

Book available on

The Core Workout

Sport, Stability and Performance Movement: Great Technique Without injury

Published in English in 2008, “Sport, Stability and Performance Movement: Great Technique Without injury‿was requested and produced initially by the Swedish Sports Commission.  Joanne was to write whatever she was most passionate about, and the result was this book, which was inspired by the many years of teaching and consultancy work that Joanne has delivered to coaches, athletes and sports medicine professionals.

Written to be a bridge between athletes, coaches, sports scientists and sports medicine practitioners, the book addresses the myths and misunderstandings about “stability‿as a training concept, and explains how to assess and address movement quality in order to reduce injury risk and enhance efficiency.

Book available on

Sport, Stability and Performance Movement: Great Technique Without injury

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